Live Cells C++
Reactive Programming for C++
No Matches
Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 ROperatorConcept defining an operator on a cell
 Cbad_typed_cell_castException thrown when attempting to cast a cell to a typed_cell with a value type that is incompatible with the cell's value type
 Cbatch_updateDefer changes to the values of mutable cells
 CcellDynamically typed Cell container
 Ccell_stateMaintains the state of a stateful cell
 Cchanges_only_cell_stateMixin that modifies a compute_cell_state subclass to only notify its observers if the new value of the cell is not equal (!=) to the previous value
 Cchanges_only_optionCell option specifying that the cell, to which it is applied, should only notify its observers when its new value is not equal (by ==) to its previous value
 Ccompute_cell_baseA cell with a value that is a function of one or more argument cells
 Ccompute_cell_stateCell state for a cell which computes a value as a function of one or more argument cells
 Cconstant_cellA cell which holds a constant value
 Cconstant_keyKey identifying a constant_cell
 Cdependent_cellProvides an interface for a cell with a value that is dependent on one or more argument cells
 Cdynamic_compute_cellA computed cell which determines its argument cells at runtime
 Cdynamic_compute_cell_stateMaintains the state of a dynamic_compute_cell
 Cdynamic_compute_changes_only_cell_stateA dynamic_compute_cell_state that only notifies the observers of the cell if the new value of the cell is not equal to the previous value
 Cdynamic_compute_stateDefines the computation function of the state of a dynamic_compute_cell
 Cdynamic_mutable_compute_cellA mutable computed cell with the argument cells determined dynamically
 Cdynamic_mutable_compute_cell_stateMaintains the state of a dynamic_mutable_compute_cell
 Cdynamic_mutable_compute_changes_only_cell_stateA dynamic_mutable_compute_cell_state that only notifies the observers of the cell if its value has actually changed
 CkeyDefines the interface for a key which uniquely identifies a cell
 Ckey_refDynamically type key container
 Cmake_cellDefines a cell class using C such that the constraints defined by the concept Cell are satisifed
 Cmake_mutable_cellSame as make_cell but also provides a value setter value(Parent::value_type) so that the definition satisfies the MutableCell concept
 CmaybeContainer holding a cell value or an exception that occurred while computing a value
 Cmerged_observableAllows multiple cells to be observed at once
 Cmerged_observable< T >
 Cmutable_cellA stateful cell which can have its value set directly
 Cmutable_cell_stateMaintains the state of a mutable_cell
 Cmutable_cell_view_baseA stateless mutable computed cell that does not cache its own value
 Cmutable_compute_cell_stateMaintains the state of a mutable computed cell
 CobserverDefines the interface for observing changes to the value of a Cell
 Cobserver_cell_stateProvides functionality for observing a cell from a cell_state
 Cpeek_cellA Cell that reads the value of another Cell without notifying its observers when it changes
 Cpeek_cell_keyKey identifying a peek_cell
 Cpeek_cell_stateMaintains the state of a peek_cell
 Cprevious_value_cellA Cell that evaluates to the previous value of another Cell
 Cprevious_value_cell_keyKey identifying a previous_value_cell
 Cprevious_value_cell_stateMaintains the state of a previous_value_cell
 Cstate_managerMaintains the association between keys and cell states
 Cstateful_cellBase class for a cell with a state
 Cstatic_mutable_compute_cellA mutable computed cell with arguments determined at compile-time
 Cstatic_mutable_compute_cell_stateMaintains the state for a static_mutable_compute_cell
 Cstatic_mutable_compute_changes_only_cell_stateA static_mutable_compute_cell_state that only notifies the observers of the cell when the cell's value has actually changed
 Cstop_compute_exceptionException indicating that the value of a cell should not be computed
 Cstore_cellA Cell that caches the value of another Cell
 Cstore_cell_compute_stateDefines the computation function of a store_cell
 Cstore_cell_keyKey identifying a store_cell
 Cstore_cell_stateMaintains the state of a store_cell
 Cstore_changes_only_cell_stateA store_cell_state that only notifies the observers of the cell if the new value of the cell is not equal to its previous value
 Ctyped_cellDynamically typed Cell container with a static value type
 Cuninitialized_cell_errorException indicating that the value of a cell was referenced before its initial value was computed
 Cunique_keyA key of uniquely identified by a single instance
 Cvalue_keyBase class for a key distinguished from other keys by one or more values
 Cvalue_key< T >Base class for a key distinguished from other keys by one value
 CwatcherHandle for a cell watch function
 RComputableDefines a type that computes a value when the call operator operator() is invoked
 RCellOrValueConcept specifying that T is either a Cell or a value that can be converted to a constant_cell
 RKeyableConcept defining an object that can be identified by a key
 RTrackableConcept defining an observable object that can be tracked dynamically as a dependency
 RCellDefines the cell protocol
 RTypedCellConcept that constrains Cell to cells holding a specific value type T
 RMutableCellConcept defining a Cell that can have its value set
 RTypedMutableCellConcept that constrains MutableCell to cells holding a specific value type T