Live Cells C++
Reactive Programming for C++
No Matches
2. Cell Expressions

This library provides a number of tools for building expressions of cells without requiring a computed cell to be created explicitly using live_cells::computed().


The arithmetic and relational (<, <=, >, >=) operators, when applied to cells holding numeric values, return cells which compute the result of the expression.

This allows a computation to be defined directly as an expression of cells. For example the following cell computes the sum of two cells:

auto sum = a + b;
mutable_cell< T > variable(T value)
Create a new mutable cell with an initial value.
Definition mutable_cell.hpp:276
This definition of the sum cell is not only simpler than the definition using live_cells::computed() but is also more efficient since the argument cells are determined at compile-time.

The sum cell is a cell like any other. It can be observed by a watch function or can appear as an argument in a computed cell.

auto watcher = live_cells::watch([=] {
std::cout << sum() << std::endl;
a = 5; // Prints: 7
b = 4; // Prints: 9
std::shared_ptr< watcher > watch(F fn)
Register a cell watch function.
Definition watcher.hpp:212

Expressions of cells can be arbitrarily complex:

auto x = a * b + c / d;
auto y = x < e;
Values appearing in a cell expression, e.g. a + 1, are converted to constant cells, as if by live_cells::value().


Every cell overloads the == and != operators, which return cells that compare whether the values of the cells are equal or not equal, respectively.

auto eq = a == b; // eq() == true when a() == b()
auto neq = a != b; // neq() == true when a() != b()

Logic and selection

The following operator overloads and functions are provided for cells holding boolean-like value:

Creates a cell with a value that is the logical and of two cells
Creates a cell with a value that is the logical or of two cells
Creates a cell with a value which is the logical not of a cell
Creates a cell which selects between the values of two cells based on a condition
The && and || operators overloads preserve the short-circuiting behaviour of the operators. This means the value of a cell is not referenced if the result of the expression is already known without it.
auto a = live_cells::variable(false);
auto b = live_cells::variable(false);
// cond() is true when a() || b() is true
auto cond = a || b;
// when cond() is true, cell() == c() else cell() == d()
auto cell = live_cells::select(cond, c, d);
auto watcher = live_cells::watch([=] {
std::cout << cell() << std::endl;
a = true; // Prints: 1
a = false; // Prints: 2
auto select(Cell auto condition, Cell auto if_true, Cell auto if_false)
Create a cell which selects between the values of two cells based on the value of a condition cell.
Definition boolean.hpp:102

The third argument (if false) of live_cells::select() can be omitted, in which case the cell's value will not be updated if the condition is false:

auto cond = live_cells::variable(false);
auto cell = live_cells::select(cond, a);
auto watcher = live_cells::watch([=] {
std::cout << cell() << std::endl;
cond = true; // Prints: 1
a = 2; // Prints: 2
cond = false; // Prints: 2
a = 4; // Prints: 2

Aborting a computation

The computation of a computed cell's value can be aborted using live_cells::none(). When live_cells::none() is called inside a computed cell, the value computation function is exited and the cell's current value is preserved. This can be used to prevent a cell's value from being recomputed when a condition is not met:

auto b = live_cells::computed([=] {
if (a() >= 10)
return a();
auto watcher = live_cells::watch([=] {
std::cout << b() << std::endl;
a = 6; // Prints 6
a = 15; // Prints 6
a = 8; // Prints 8
auto computed(F &&compute)
Create a cell with a value that is a function of one or more argument cells.
Definition computed.hpp:45
void none()
Stop the computation of the current computed cell's value.
Definition computed.hpp:194
The initial value of every computed cell is the default constructed value. Thus if live_cells::none() is called during the first call to the cell's computation function, the default value for the cell's value type is retained.
The value of a computed cell is only computed if it is actually referenced. live_cells::none() only preserves the current value of the cell, but this might not be the latest value of the cell if the cell's value is only referenced conditionally. A good rule of thumb is to use live_cells::none() only to prevent a cell from holding an invalid value.

Exception handling

If an exception is thrown during the computation of a cell's value, it is rethrown when the value is referenced. This allows exceptions to be handled using try and catch inside computed cells:

auto str = live_cells::variable(std::string("0"));
auto n = live_cells::computed([=] {
return std::stoi(str());
auto is_valid = live_cells::computed([=] {
try {
return n() > 0;
catch (...) {
return false;
std::cout << is_valid.value() << std::endl; // Prints false
str = "5";
std::cout << is_valid.value() << std::endl; // Prints true
str = "not a number";
std::cout << is_valid.value() << std::endl; // Prints false

The live_cells::on_error() function creates a cell that selects the value of another cell when an exception is thrown.

auto str = live_cells::variable(std::string("0"));
auto n = live_cells::computed([=] {
return std::stoi(str());
// Equal to n(). If n() throws, equal to m();
auto result = live_cells::on_error(n, m);
str = "3";
std::cout << result.value() << std::endl; // Prints 3
str = "not a number";
std::cout << result.value() << std::endl; // Prints 2
auto on_error(const Cell auto &cell, const Cell auto &error_value)
Create a Cell which handles all exceptions thrown while computing the value of a cell.
Definition errors.hpp:41

A template overload of on_error is provided, which takes an exception type as a template type parameter. When this overload is used only exceptions of the given type are handled.

// Only handles std::invalid_argument exceptions
A computed cell which determines its argument cells at runtime.
Definition dynamic_compute_cell.hpp:153

The validation logic in the previous example can be implemented more succinctly using:

auto str = live_cells::variable("0");
auto n = live_cells::computed([=] {
return std::stoi(str());
auto is_valid = on_error(
n > 0,
constant_cell< T > value(const T &value)
Definition constant_cell.hpp:132
We used live_cells::value(false) to create a constant cell that holds the values false.

Previous values

The previous value of a cell can be accessed using live_cells::previous:

auto prev = live_cells::previous(a);
auto sum = a + prev;
auto watch = live_cells::watcher([=] {
int prev_value = prev();
std::cout << "\n";
std::cout << "A = " << a() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Prev = " << prev_value << std::endl;
std::cout << "Sum = " << sum() << std::endl;
a = 2;
a = 5;
Handle for a cell watch function.
Definition watcher.hpp:38
auto previous(const C &cell)
Create a Cell that evaluates to the previous value of cell.
Definition previous_value_cell.hpp:232

This results in the following being printed to standard output:

A = 2
Prev = 1
Sum = 3
A = 5
Prev = 2
Sum = 7

live_cells::previous returns a cell that can be used like any other cell. When previous is called multiple times on the same argument cell, the same cell is returned.


  • On creation prev does not hold a value. Accessing it will throw a live_cells::uninitialized_cell_error exception.
  • prev must have at least one observer in order for it to keep track of the previous value of a.

Peeking cells

What if you want to use the value of a cell in a computed cell but don't want changes to that cell's value triggering a recomputation? The live_cells::peek() function allows you to do exactly that.

auto c = live_cells::computed([=] {
return a() + live_cells::peek(b);
auto watch = live_cells::watch([=] {
std::cout << c() << std::endl;
a = 3; // Prints: 4
b = 5; // Doesn't print anything
a = 7; // Prints: 13
auto peek(const C &cell)
Create a Cell that reads the value of cell but does not notify its observers when the value has chang...
Definition peek_cell.hpp:130

In the above example cell c is a computed cell referencing the value of a and peeks the value of b. Changing the value of a triggers a recomputation of c, and hence triggers the watch function which prints to standard output, but changing the value of b doesn't trigger a recomputation of c.

live_cells::peek() returns a cell.

You may be asking why do we need live_cells::peek() here instead of just accessing the value of b directly using b.value(). Something we've glossed over till this point is the lifecycle of cells. Cells are only active while they are actually observed, and are activated when the first observer is added. While active, cells react to changes in their argument cells. When the last observer is removed, cells are deactivated and stop observing their argument cells. When a new observer is added, they are reactivated again. Essentially, this means that the value of a cell may no longer be current if it doesn't have at least one observer. For a computed cell this is not a problem, since when it is inactive it computes its value on demand, but it may cause issues with other cells. The live_cells::peek() function takes care of adding an observer to the peeked cell, so that it remains active, but at the same time prevents the observers, added through live_cells::peek(), from being notified of changes in its value.

Pipe operator

The live_cells::ops namespace provides a collection of operators which can be applied on cells using the | operator.

For example the select function, introduced earlier, can also be applied on the condition cell with the following:

auto cell = cond | live_cells::ops::select(c, d);
auto select(const Cell auto &if_true)
Create an Operator for conditionally selecting the value of another cell based on the value of the op...
Definition boolean.hpp:148

which is equivalent to:

auto cell = live_cells::select(cond, c, d);

The live_cells::ops package also provides a variant of on_error, peek and previous that can be used with the pipe operator. This allows for a reactive pipeline to be built without nested function calls.

auto cell = cond
constexpr auto previous
Operator for creating a cell that evaluates to the previous value of another cell.
Definition previous_value_cell.hpp:247
auto on_error(const Cell auto &error_value)
Create an Operator for handling exceptions thrown by the operand Cell.
Definition errors.hpp:99
constexpr auto peek
Operator for reading the value of a cell without reacting to changes.
Definition peek_cell.hpp:147

This is equivalent to:


The next section introduces two-way data flow.