Live Cells C++
Reactive Programming for C++
No Matches
1. Cells

A cell is an object with a value and a set of observers that react to changes in its value, you'll see exactly what that means in a moment.

There are a number of ways to create cells. The simplest cell is the constant cell, created with live_cells::value(), which holds a constant value.

auto a = live_cells::value(1);
auto b = live_cells::value<std::string>("hello world");
auto c = live_cells::value(some_value);
A computed cell which determines its argument cells at runtime.
Definition dynamic_compute_cell.hpp:153
constant_cell< T > value(const T &value)
Definition constant_cell.hpp:132

live_cells::value() takes the constant value and wraps it in a constant cell. The values of constant cells never change.

The value of a cell is accessed using the value() accessor method.

std::cout << a.value() << std::endl; // Prints: 1
std::cout << b.value() << std::endl; // Prints: 'hello world'
std::cout << c.value() << std::endl; // Prints the value of `someValue`

Mutable Cells

Mutable cells, created with live_cells::variable(), which takes the initial value of the cell, hold a value that can be set with the value() setter method, which takes the new value.

std::cout << a.value() << std::endl; // Prints: 0
// Set the value of a to 3
std::cout << a.value() << std::endl; // Prints: 3
mutable_cell< T > variable(T value)
Create a new mutable cell with an initial value.
Definition mutable_cell.hpp:276

The value of a mutable cell can also be set with the assignment = operator:

// Set the value of a to 3
a = 3;

Observing Cells

When the value of a cell changes, its observers are notified of the change. The simplest way to demonstrate this is to set up a watch function using live_cells::watch():

// Set up a watch function observing cells `a` and `b`
auto watcher = live_cells::watch([=] {
std::cout << a();
std::cout << ", ";
std::cout << b();
a = 5; // Prints: 5, 1
b = 10; // Prints: 5, 10
std::shared_ptr< watcher > watch(F fn)
Register a cell watch function.
Definition watcher.hpp:212

live_cells::watch() takes a watch function and registers it to be called when the values of the cells referenced within it change. In the example above, a watch function that prints the values of cells a and b to standard output, is defined. This function is called automatically when the value of either a or b changes.

There are a couple of important points to keep in mind when using live_cells::watch():

  • The watch function is called once immediately when live_cells::watch() is called, to determine which cells are referenced by it.
  • live_cells::watch() automatically tracks which cells are referenced within it, and registers it to be called when their values change. This works even when the cells are referenced conditionally.
  • Within the watch function, the values of cells have to be referenced with the function call operator, rather than the value() method. The difference between the two is that value() only references the value, whereas the function call operator also tracks it as a referenced cell.
Within a watch function, the value of a cell is referenced using the function call syntax rather than the value() method.

Every call to live_cells::watch() adds a new watch function, for example:

auto watcher2 = live_cells::watch([=] {
std::cout << "A = " << a() << std::endl;
// Prints: 20, 10
// Also prints: A = 20
a = 20;
// Prints: 20, 1
b = 1;

The watch function defined above, watcher2, observes the value of a only. Changing the value of a results in both watch functions being called. Changing the value of b only results in the first watch function being called, since the second watch function does not reference b and hence is not observing it.

When you no longer need the watch function to be called, call stop() on the "handle" returned by live_cells::watch()

live_cells::watch() returns a shared pointer (std::shared_ptr) holding a handle (live_cells::watcher) to the watch function. This handle provides the stop() method, which stops the watch function from being called for further changes in the cell values.

// Prints: 2, 1
b = 2;
// Doesn't print anything
b = 3;

The watch function is also stopped automatically when the last shared_ptr point to the handle, is destroyed.

Due to the watch function being stopped automatically on destruction, you should always assign the handle returned by live_cells::watch() to a variable, even if you don't intend on using it directly. If you don't assign it to a variable or store it in a class member, the handle will be destroyed immediately and the watch will not be called when the cell values change.

Don't do this:
// BAD because the watch handle is destroyed immediately,
// due to it not being stored anywhere,
// and thus the watch function is also stopped immediately

Computed Cells

A computed cell is a cell with a value that is defined as a function of the values of one or more argument cells. Whenever the value of an argument cell changes, the value of the computed cell is recomputed.

Computed cells are defined using live_cells::computed() which takes the value computation function of the cell:

auto sum = live_cells::computed([=] {
return a() + b()
auto computed(F &&compute)
Create a cell with a value that is a function of one or more argument cells.
Definition computed.hpp:45

In the above example, sum is a computed cell with the value defined as the sum of cells a and b. The value of sum is recomputed whenever the values of either a or b change. This is demonstrated below:

auto watcher = live_cells::watch([=] {
std::cout << "The sum is ";
std::cout << sum() << std::endl;
a = 3; // Prints: The sum is 5
b = 4; // Prints: The sum is 7

In this example:

  1. A watch function observing the sum cell is defined.
  2. The value of a is set to 3, which:
    1. Causes the value of sum to be recomputed
    2. Calls the watch function defined in 1.
  3. The value of b is set to 4, which likewise also results in sum being recomputed and the watch function being called.

By default, computed cells notify their observers whenever their value is recomputed, which happens when the value of at least one of the referenced argument cells changes. This means that even if the new value of the computed cell is equal to its previous value, the observers of the cell are still notified that the cell's value has changed.

By providing live_cells::changes_only to live_cells::computed, the computed cell will not notify it's observers if it's new value is equal, by ==, to its previous value. This is demonstrated with the following example:

auto b = live_cells::computed(live_cells::changes_only, [=] {
return a() % 2;
auto watcher = live_cells::watch([=] {
std::cout << b() << std::endl;
a = 1
a = 3
a = 5
a = 6
a = 8

This results in the following being printed to standard output:


Notice that only three lines are printed to standard output, even though the value of the computed cell argument a was changed five times.

If live_cells::changes_only is removed from the definition of b, the following is printed to standard output:


Notice that a new line is printed to standard output, whenever the value of a, which is an argument of b, is changed. This is because b notifies its observers whenever the value of its argument a has changed, even if b's new value is equal to its previous value.

Batch Updates

The values of multiple cells can be set simultaneously in a batch update. The effect of this is that while the values of the cells are changed as soon as the value() setter method, or assignment operator, is called, the observers of the cells are only notified after all the cell values have been set.

Batch updates are performed with live_cells::batch(), which takes a function that is called to set the values of one or more cells:

auto watcher = live_cells::watch([=] {
std::cout << a();
std::cout << ", ";
std::cout << b();
// This only prints: a = 15, b = 3
a = 15;
b = 3;
void batch(F fn)
Batch changes to the values of mutable cells.
Definition mutable_cell.hpp:307

In the example above, the values of a and b are set to 15 and 3 respectively, within live_cells::batch(). The watch function, which observes both a and b, is only called once after the values of both a and b are set.

As a result the following is printed to the console:

a = 0, b = 1
a = 15, b = 3
  1. a = 0, b = 1 is printed when the watch function is first defined.
  2. a = 15, b = 3 is printed when the function provided to live_cells::watch() returns.
A watch function is always called once immediately after it is set up. This is necessary to determine which cells the watch function is observing.

Alternatively a batch update can be performed by creating a live_cells::batch_update in a given scope. The batching comes into effect when the batch_update is created and the cell values are updated when the batch_update is destroyed (on leaving the scope).

The following is equivalent to the previous example using live_cells::batch():

auto watcher = live_cells::watch([=] {
std::cout << a();
std::cout << ", ";
std::cout << b();
a = 15;
b = 3;
} // Prints: a = 15, b = 3
Defer changes to the values of mutable cells.
Definition mutable_cell.hpp:44

Cell Types

In the examples till this point we've been using auto to declare the variables holding our cells. This is because the actual type varies depending on the type of cell (constant cell, mutable cell, computed cell, etc.) and also on the parameters used to create the cell. For example, the type of a computed cell depends on the value computation function.

All cell types satisfy the live_cells::Cell concept, which specifies the cell protocol. We've already used two methods specified by the Cell concept, the value() getter method and the function call operator overload.

Mutable cells satisfy the live_cells::MutableCell concept, which specifies the mutable cell protocol. MutableCell is a superset of Cell, which means that every type that satisfies MutableCell also satisfies Cell.

To define a function that takes a cell as an argument, define a function template with the template parameters constrained by the Cell concept. For example here's a simple function add, which takes two cells and returns a computed cell that computes the sum of the two cells:

template <live_cells::Cell A, live_cells::Cell B>
auto add(const A &a, const B &b) {
return live_cells::computed([=] {
return a() + b();

This ensures that only an object that implements the cell protocol can be provided for a and b.

The definition of the add function can be simplified using C++20's template shorthand syntax:

auto add (const Cell auto &a, const Cell auto &b) {
return live_cells::computed([=] {
return a() + b();
Defines the cell protocol.
Definition types.hpp:128

Dynamically Typed Cells

The Cell concept and auto limits you to cells for which the exact type is known at compile-time. This means you cannot use them to store cells of unrelated, and unknown, types in a container such as std::vector.

For this use case, the live_cells::cell wrapper is provided. cell is a wrapper over a Cell that performs type erasure, much like std::function, in which a cell of any type can be stored.

A cell wrapper is created by providing a Cell to its constructor. The wrapper exposes the same methods specified by the Cell concept however the value() getter method is a template that has to be invoked with a type parameter, specifying the type of value to retrieve:

// A vector that can hold cells of any type
std::vector<live_cells::cell> my_cells;
// A statically typed mutable cell
// A dynamically typed cell
// `ref_a` can be added to a vector whereas `a` cannot
// Printing the value of `a` via the `cell` wrapper:
// Prints: 0
std::cout << ref_a.value<int>() << std::endl;
Dynamically typed Cell container.
Definition observable.hpp:133
The template type parameter provided to value has to match the type of the value held in the cell exactly, otherwise an std::bad_cast exception is thrown.

When the value type of the value held in the cell is known ahead of time, the live_cells::typed_cell wrapper can be used, which is the same as live_cells::cell but takes the value type as a template parameter:

// A vector that can hold cells of any type that hold an `int`
std::vector<live_cells::typed_cell<int>> my_cells;
// A statically typed mutable cell
// A dynamically typed cell
// `ref_a` can be added to a vector whereas `a` cannot
// Prints: 0
std::cout << ref_a.value() << std::endl;

Notice there is no need to provide a value type template parameter to the value() method, because the value type (int in this case) is already given in the typed_cell template parameter.

Memory Management

Cells mostly take care of their own memory management, but there are a few points to keep in mind when using cells:

  1. A cell holds a reference to its state. This means, copying a cell does not copy the underlying state but merely creates a new reference to it:

    auto b = a;
    a = 10;
    // Prints: 10
    std::cout << b.value() << std::endl;

    That's why, as you've probably noticed, the lambda functions provided to live_cells::watch() and live_cells::computed() capture cells by value, not by reference.

    The cell state holds the cell's value and its observers.

  2. If a lambda function can escape its scope, capture cells by value not by reference.

    Both live_cells::watch() and live_cells::computed() store a copy of the lambda which can potentially outlive the scope in which the lambda function is defined. If a cell is captured by reference in this case, it ends up as a dangling reference.

    On the other hand, live_cells::batch() neither copies nor stores the function provided to it but only calls it immediately. Thus it is safe to use capture by reference in this case. However, when in doubt capture by value.

  3. The state of a cell is destroyed when the last cell referencing it is destroyed.

    { // Create a new scope
    auto b = live_cells::variable(1);
    auto c = live_cells::variable(2);
    // Set `ref` to `b`
    ref = live_cells::cell(b);
    } // The state of `c` is destroyed at this point
    // The state of `b` is not destroyed because `ref`
    // is still holding a reference to it

    In this regard, cells function much like std::shared_ptr.

  4. Do not wrap a cell in std::shared_ptr. Whilst not wrong, its unnecessary because cells already have a shared pointer to their underlying state. Therefore, it's best to simply copy the cell, whether statically or dynamically typed.
  5. Mutable cell values are assigned by value, not by reference. This probably goes without saying but its best to state it explicitly

    auto a = live_cells::variable(std::string("hello"));
    // The string "bye" is copied into the `std::string` held by
    // the cell.
    a = "bye";


Now that we've covered the basic you can proceed to the next section, which introduces utilities for creating cells directly from expressions.